Email: mtoomey (at) mit.edu
Institution: MIT, CTP
Publications: INSPIRE
I am a postdoctoral fellow in the MIT Center for Theoretical Physics. My research spans the various interfaces of cosmology, astrophysics, high energy physics, and gravity. I am particularly interested in using cosmology and astrophysics as a probe of modified theories of general relativity and beyond Standard Model physics.
Students at MIT interested in my research should feel more than free to reach out to discuss potential projects.
List of Papers

A modified version of the publicly available Einstein-Boltzmann code CLASS to implement Early Dark Energy (EDE). class_ede solves for the evolution of the scalar field perturbations directly using the perturbed Klein-Gordon equation and implements adiabatic initial conditions for the scalar field fluctuations. The code allows one to specify the EDE model parameters in terms of the particle physics parameters f and m or effective EDE parameters fEDE and zc.
© Michael W. Toomey 2023